CIVIL, UPSC, UPPSC, IBPS, Other Pcs's : Computer Online Test Electronic Study 4:39 PM Computer Knowledge Electronic Study Welcome to Online Tests Welcome to Online Tests Time Remaining: Q1). How much Bytes contain in 1 Kilobyte (1KB)? A. 1000 Byte B. 100000 Byte C. 2048 Byte D. 1024 Byte Answer: D Description: 1 Kilobyte (1KB) = 1024 Byte Q2). Means of ALU in reference of computer is – A. Algebric Local Unit B. Algebric Logic Unit C. Arithmatic Logic Unit D. Arithmatic Local Unit Answer: C Description: ALU = Arithmatic Logic Unit Q3). When celebrate “Computer Saksherta Diwas”? A. 1 December B. 2 December C. 1 November D. 2 January Answer: B Description: कंप्यूटर साक्षरता दिवस हर वर्ष 2 दिसंबर को मनाया जाता है Q4). इनमे से कौन सा कंप्यूटर का भाग नहीं है - A. मॉनिटर B. CPU C. माउस D. यूपीएस Answer: D Description: Q5). Which of the following product is sold with “Pentium” brand name? A. Micro processor B. Computer chip C. Computer D. Mobile chip Answer: A Description: Pentium : Micro processor Score: Author : Electronic Study Share this Related Posts