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Civil Services, State PCS, SSC, Other Exams :: Current Affairs Jan, 2017-Part-IV

                                    Current Affairs Jan, 2017

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Q.1) Name the new health scheme launched by Andhra Pradesh Government for the Above Poverty Line families of the state on January 1, 2017 -
A. आरोग्य स्वास्थ्य बीमा योजना
B. आरोग्य रक्षा स्कीम
C. सुरक्षा बीमा योजना
D. स्टेट govt हेल्थ स्कीम

Q.2) In which state is the world’s largest 11-day Gala Festival “Bargarh Dhanua Jatra/बारगढ़ धनुवा जात्रा” organized?
A. तमिलनाडु
B. कर्नाटक
C. ओडिशा
D. आंध्र प्रदेश

Q.3) Which state has banned the use of Purse Seine Nets for fishing across the state from January 1, 2017 to safeguard a Fingerlings fish species?
A. पश्चिम बंगाल
B. केरल
C. महाराष्ट
D. तमिलनाडु

Q.4) With which country India exchanges a list of nuclear installations and facilities every year on January 1 under an agreement that prohibits the two countries to attack each other’s atomic facilities -
A. रूस
B. चीन
C. अफगानिस्तान
D. पकिस्तान

Q.5) British Government is set to mint a new coin of which denomination by the end of March 2017?
A. 1 pound
B. 2 pound
C. 10 pound
D. 5 pound

Q.6) A Laser walls and smart sensors are soon to be launched at which of the given International borders of India to safeguard from terrorists attacks?
A. India-Myanmar International Borders
B. India-Bangladesh International Borders
C. India-Nepal International Borders
D. India-China International Borders

Q.7) Who has been appointed as the new Chairman of Union Public Service Commission with effect from January 4, 2017?
A. R. M. Bathew
B. F. W. Robertson
C. D P Agrawal
D. David R. Syiemlieh

Q.8) Which state’s Power Corporation has been awarded with “Best Performing Power Distribution Utility in Power Sector” by Central Board of Irrigation & Power (CBIP)?
A. Punjab State Power Corporation Limited
B. Jammu and Kashmir State Power Development Corporation Limited
C. Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited
D. Telangana Power Generation Corporation Limited

Q.9) Name the BCCI President who has been recently removed by the Supreme Court for violating its order of implementing Lodha Committee’s Recommendations.
A. चेतन चौहान
B. अनुराग ठाकुर
C. निरंजन शाह
D. दिलीप वेंगसरकर

Q.10) Name the newly appointed Chief of Samajwadi Party, replacing Shivpal Singh .
A. मोहम्मद रिजवान
B. विजय सिंह
C. मदन चौहान
D. नरेश उत्तम

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