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SSC CPO(SI) Idiom/Phrase Online Test 2

Q.1) bury the hatchet
A. forgot the quarrels
B. work together
C. hide the axe
D. keep the secret

Q.2) wild goose chase
A. to hunt
B. to destroy
C. a foolish and useless work
D. to speak harshly

Q.3) swan song
A. last gift
B. last performance
C. last prayer
D. last cry

Q.4) by the skin of the teeth
A. by running very fast
B. by disguising himself
C. get a friend
D. by the narrowest margin

Q.5) all moonshine
A. nonsense
B. outdated
C. superficial
D. none of these

Q.6) to play second fiddle
A. to reduce the importance
B. take a subordinate role
C. to do back seat driving
D. none of these

Q.7) jumping down my throat
A. forcing me to eat
B. running away
C. scolding me
D. making a joke

Q.8) call a spade a spade
A. to call someone a spade
B. to speak about spades
C. to speak in a straight forward manner
D. none of these

Q.9) to face the music
A. accept the punishment
B. listen carefully
C. listen to music
D. ask a lot of querry

Q.10) out of my wits
A. greatly confused
B. helpless without power
C. totally ignorant
D. poor solution

See Also :
SSC CPO(SI) General Studies Online Test 4

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